6th Annual FST Local Government New Zealand Summit 2023

30 August 2023 8:00 am - 2:30 pm

Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
About the Event


New Zealand’s local councils service an integrated network of countless communities with diverse needs and social complexities, from the islands in the Far North District to the frosty fjords of Southland.

Digital technologies are a vital mechanism for these communities with rich and distinct cultures so that they can maintain their connection to citizens, other councils and the NZ Government at large.

Join us at the FST Local Government New Zealand conference for 2023, where we’ll explore the unique digital demands of NZ’s councils – now and in the future.

Join us where we’ll explore:

  • Overcoming legacy thinking and supporting next-generation cloud technologies to improve connectivity.
  • Catering to the needs of local citizens and cultures through public services augmented by digital.
  • Cybersecurity strategies that are specific to local governments.
  • Smart cities and IoT on the horizon and how local governments are preparing.
  • The advancement of omnichannel services and platforms in line with citizen needs.
  • And much more!
2023 Speakers
Deputy Chief Executive, Local Government
Department of Internal Affairs- Te Tari Taiwhenua
Chief Technology Officer
Greater Wellington Regional Council
Programme Manager
Far North District Council
Chief Information Officer
Marlborough District Council
Chief Information Officer
Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Director - Network for Learning
Chair - Te Matarau, The Māori Tech Association
Chief Executive Officer
Napier City Council
Technology Strategy and Enterprise Architecture Manager
Invercargill City Council
Go Digital Programme Manager
Hutt City Council
Chief Information Officer
Tasman District Council
Systems Lead - The Southern Initiative
Auckland Council
IT Transformation Manager
New Zealand Red Cross - Rīpeka Whero Aotearoa
Manager Data & Insights
Wellington City Council
Data and Information Lead
Trust Tairāwhiti
City Innovation Lead
Wellington City Council
Former Chief Digital Officer & Director Agency Partnering
Stats NZ - Tatauranga Aotearoa & Department of Internal Affairs - Te Tari Taiwhenua


  • Citizen-centric innovations: discover the power of active citizen participation.
  • Empowering communities: leverage technology to empower citizens and promote social equity.
  • Reshaping urban sustainability: data-driven decision-making for a resilient urban ecosystem.


Our peer-to-peer roundtable discussions enable you to engage with other attendees as they rotate from table to table.

Each discussion features one of 9 distinct topics and is hosted by a technology expert together with a government co-host to drive an engaging conversation amongst the participants.

This year's top themes span across Digital Leadership, Workforce Transformation & Development, IT Capabilities, Evolving Technology, Cyber Uplift, Advanced Data & Analytics, and more.


  • Enhancing communities: amplify local government excellence by fostering synergy and collective success across councils. 
  • Maximise resource utilisation: optimising the potential of effective resourcing and doing more with less. 
  • Digital literacy: levelling-up skills, insights, and capabilities for informed decision-making across services. 


  • Agility at the forefront: how can councils stay ahead of the transformation curve and what strategies should be considered to ensure new technologies can quickly be adopted?  
  • Crafting the perfect approach: how can local governments leverage insights, analytics, and AI to serve the community better?
  • Continuous Improvement: what are some ways to improve data availability, accessibility, and reusability while maintaining transparency and public trust?
  • How can councils enable an adaptive architecture or business enhancement program that allows real-time response to citizen and stakeholder needs? 


  • Community resilience: explore the importance of cooperation between local authorities, stakeholders, and the community to achieve effective governance and ensure long-term sustainability.
  • Adapting quickly in an ever-changing environment: delve into the transformative implications that proposed changes hold for local government, highlighting the need for agile decision-making, innovative approaches, and adaptable strategies.
  • Local Democracy is inalienable – but scale matters for some things.
Peer-to-Peer Discussion Topics
  • How do we equip teams with a digitally transformative culture in support of change?
  • How do we augment transformation through the right technology and culture to suit?
  • How do we avoid building our next legacy system?
  • The path towards a continuous improvement mindset and transformation culture

  • How are government agencies measuring digital transformation and end-user experience initiatives as part of their own transformational journeys?
  • How could you provide a better, more proactive service for end users within your organization? Could a proactive service improve the reputation of IT teams?
  • How do you measure or compare performance of individuals working onsite vs. remotely? How do you troubleshoot issues with home-based users and ensure the experience is the same regardless of the location of the workers?

There's a fundamental problem in cybersecurity today that isn't steeped in marketing buzzwords. For security teams, there’s more to do, more to manage, more to secure and less time and resources to get all of it done:
  • The future threat landscape and responding to security challenges.
  • How to adopt a Prevention First Security approach leveraging AI & ML that excels in ‘less-than-perfect’ conditions.
  • Cybersecurity doesn’t end with endpoint AV. Applications, connections, and user behaviour are endpoints too. Finding a balance between securing highly sensitive application data and user productivity is achievable.
  • How to eliminate noise with simplified investigation and response to deliver business outcomes.

  • How can local government use cloud services to grow a sustainable, resilient, and productive community?
  • Digital Engagement – What does it mean, and how do cloud services facilitate it?
  • How can local government teams derive value from cloud services, and in turn, provide better services to their constituents?
  • How can organizations discover game-changing initiatives and ensure they align with their vision and objectives?
  • What are innovative ways to define success by seamlessly integrating projects into a cohesive portfolio?
  • How can project prioritization and balance be achieved to strike the perfect mix of risk and reward while fostering innovation and stability?

  • How are we leveraging local government assets and resources to enhance digital inclusion and accessibility?
  • Do organisations understand how citizens wish to deal with government and does this affect how we shape interactions across digital services?
  • How do we form a seamless, integrated inclusion and accessibility strategy to support diverse communities?

  • What are some current processes in government that can be streamlined and improved?
  • What do you do to identify the processes to automate?
  • What new digital tools and function-specific training have you adopted to support your transformation?

  • How do we turn the power of data into actionable business insights?
  • How can we operationalise insights gathered about our citizens to understand the impact and value of programs of work?
  • How do we actively strengthen the relationships and decision-making processes that link data, investments, and outcomes?
  • What measures can we take to proactively support and enhance the infrastructure, processes, and systems needed for real-time well-being measurement in Aotearoa?

  • How can local governments leverage the unique expertise of data, cybersecurity, IT, and other professionals to shape their digital strategies for equitable outcomes?
  • What steps can local governments take to actively involve the community in the digital strategy development process, ensuring that diverse perspectives and needs are considered for a more inclusive approach?
  • How do we ensure digital services are accessible and inclusive for all members of the community, including those with limited access to technology?
  • What strategies can local governments adopt to promote digital education initiatives, ensuring that citizens have the knowledge and resources to fully participate in the digital age?

Contact Us
To participate as a speaker:
Brittini Raygo
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 413 163 237
For sponsorship enquiries:
Damien Yong
Senior Sponsorship Sales Manager
T: +61 416 394 326
For event and marketing enquiries:
Jessica Cozanitis
Marketing Executive
T: +61 401 422 928