Mei Lin Fung


People-Centered Internet

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People must be at the heart of the Internet which can be an Internet of the People, by the People and for the People. I co-founded the People Centered Internet with Vint Cerf so that all can have access to the opportunities that are made possible when people are connected. I deeply believe that people can connect to thrive.
I am a pioneer in the shift from healthcare to health: a motivated outcomes-driven professional with deep networks and broad experience in health at the policy through grass roots levels. I specialize in working with people in communities to form learning networks, to visualize and voice and take action to make their dreams come true. My goal is to set up “Trading Posts” on the Internet frontier where people from different networks can exchange experiences and knowledge and find friends and fellow travelers. 
I am bilingual speaking both English and Mandarin, and have lived on four continents.
I joined the 200,000 member Health Occupation Students of America/Future Health Professionals as point person for Global Network Outreach. As co-founder of the California Health MRC – Medical Reserve Corps – I am pioneering youth engagement in assuring a healthy future for generations to come.
In my final role as Socio Technical Lead within a four-year project for the US Dept. of Defense to look at the Future of Health, I was the subject matter expert for Networked Improvement Communities and designed Roundtables for government and community leaders to come together to devise the Healthy Community Collaboratives of America, The leaders we convened work with budgets which represent over 50% of all spending in the US on Healthcare.

Contact Us
To participate as a speaker:
Stella Spackman
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 433 732 794
To participate as a speaker:
Brittini Raygo
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 02 8484 0945
To participate as a speaker:
Aron Kunaseelan
Chief Operating Officer
T: +61 423 631 461