Geniere Aplin

Group Executive, Personal Injury


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Geniere Aplin is a lawyer by trade, holds an Executive MBA from the AGSM and has 19 plus years’ experience within the insurance industry. As EML Group Executive Personal Injury Geniere is charged with EML’s Australia-wide businesses; EMLife, National Self Insurance, Federal Government Services, Insurance for New South Wales, and Claims Optimisation. Prior to this Geniere has held senior executive roles and board positions both within the public and private sectors.

Geniere has also utilised her talents as a plaintiff personal injury lawyer and a Suncorp Executive where over nine years she held diverse portfolios including procurement and real estate, commercial and personal insurance, through to the banking strategy during the GFC. She also led WorkCover NSW (now icare) through its 2012 reforms and as a consultant in insurance scheme design. Geniere has been the Chair of the Board of the Motor Accidents Authority in NSW. Geniere is focussed on transformational change, both personally and professionally and enjoys leadership, coaching and mentoring her teams and clients to develop or hone their skillsets to adapt to an ever-changing market

Contact Us
To participate as a speaker:
Jasmine Haw Alvarez
Conference Producer
T: +61 2 8484 0918
To participate as a speaker:
Aron Kunaseelan
Chief Operating Officer
T: +61 423 631 461
To participate as a speaker:
Murali Ramesh
Production Director
T: +61 2 8484 0904