Frank Versace

Chief Relationship Officer

Judo Bank

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Frank started his career as a graduate within ANZ’s business bank. Since then he has accumulated over 20 years of banking experience across commercial & Retail Banking. His career has included being National Sales Manager for ANZ Mobile Lending and District Executive for ANZ Commercial, as well as being part of the Business & Financial Services division at Macquarie Bank, responsible for the development of credit policy, origination and distribution of banking product. Since Joining as one of the original members of Judo, Frank has been central to the establishment and delivery of Judo’s unique, SME focussed customer proposition and has recently taken over responsibility for Judo’s relationship business nationally.

Contact Us
To participate as a speaker:
Murali Ramesh
Production Director
T: +61 2 8484 0904
To participate as a speaker:
Jasmine Haw Alvarez
Conference Producer
T: +61 2 8484 0918
To participate as a speaker:
Aron Kunaseelan
Chief Operating Officer
T: +61 423 631 461