Carolyn is a proven international business and technology executive with a demonstrated track record of transformational leadership and successful organisational change. She has influenced and collaborated with executives in politically challenging situations across a variety of companies both in Australia and internationally, and within public and private domains. She has diverse industry and functional experience across a range of high profile international organisations such as NBN, KPMG, IBM, BHP and ALCOA, and at a government level within both the Federal and State systems. Her experience traverses both the technical and human resource landscapes, having undertaken senior leadership roles across both IT and HR environments.
Previous roles have also included NBNCO, the organisation established to design, build and operate Australia’s new broadband network. As part of NBNCO’s rapid growth program, Carolyn lead, developed and delivered strategic programs successfully aligning IT and business objectives to the organisations strategic priorities. And over a two year period whilst at DHHS, Carolyn served as the Deputy Secretary, Corporate Services, successfully implementing a significant change program in the consolidation and improvement of back office service delivery functions.
In her current role as the Special Advisor to the Victorian Government, she is responsible for leading a Whole of Government reform agenda, focused on providing transparent and effective integrated services to the community and building on a One VPS vision.