Andrew Seedhouse

Chief of Space, Intelligence, National Security and Cyber Division

Defence Science and Technology Group

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Andrew is currently the Chief of Space, Intelligence, National Security and Cyber (SINC) Division within the Defence Science and technology Group, a Group within the Australian Department of Defence. He started this role in 2023 and is responsible for working with senior users in Defence to formulate the Innovation Science & Technology Programs for the Defence Capability areas of Intelligence and Cyber. He is responsible for the delivery of these programs of work to both the Defence users and the Chief Defence Scientist. Andrew is also responsible for delivering Star Shots in Information Warfare, Agile Command & Control and Resilient Multi-mission Space. Andrew also leads DSTG contributions to AUKUS Pillar II Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Systems themes. The role also includes directing Defence support to the wider cross Government capabilities in National Security through the National Security Science and Technology Centre, which operates from within the Division.

Prior to this role Andrew was the Chief of three Divisions, also in DSTG, starting in 2017. In addition, to directing research in Intelligence, Surveillance and Space he was responsible for DSTG capability development in these areas. This included: Over the Horizon Radar, MMW Radar, Electro-optic Surveillance systems, Sensor exploitation, Space systems, intelligence architectures and information analytics.

Prior to 2017 Andrew worked with UK Ministry of Defence in the Defence Science & Technology Laboratory also working in the field of intelligence and surveillance, but also leading research teams delivering countermeasures and protection solutions. Andrew also enjoyed a period of time leading innovation in UK Defence, as the head of the Centre for Defence Enterprise.

Outside of work he enjoys building a home in the SA Barossa living off grid in the country side sharing the land with goats and dogs. He has six adult children split across two countries who he enjoys embarrassing as much as possible. Having arrived in Australia relatively recently he is enjoying exploring the outback with his wife in their FJ Cruiser “Rosie”.

Previous Appearances
Future Gov South Australia 2024
28 November 2024
  • Adelaide Convention Centre
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