Untangling the Messy Middle – Streamlining Citizen Experiences across the Public Sector

1 May 2024 7:30 am - 10:00 am

Brisbane | ServiceNow
About the Event

FSTGov is delighted to host an executive-led roundtable discussion exploring the theme “Untangling the Messy Middle – Streamlining Citizen Experiences across the Public Sector” alongside our technology partner ServiceNow.

Connecting leaders working in Digital, CX, Service Delivery and Citizen facing portfolios for an insightful peer-to-peer session, we’ll unpack key challenges, discuss trends and innovations, and review global case studies from the upcoming ServiceNow Citizen Experience Intelligence Report 2024, over a complimentary breakfast service at the Signature Restaurant at the Emporium Hotel on Wednesday 1st May, 7:30 till 10:00am.

Joined by James Burgess, Director, Customer & Industry Solutions, and Madelyn Bayer, Client Director, Customer Experience from ServiceNow to delve into the below discussion points:

  • Citizen expectations for Government service delivery have risen, yet with 40% of employees saying citizens are constantly being passed between teams and departments to resolve issues, it’s easy to see the pain points still exist. Teams need to lower hold times, reduce inter-department friction, and speed up resolutions to regain and instill trust with citizens.
  • Complexity begins when there is no connection, coordination, or automation between systems. 37% of leaders say silos across data, systems and teams are creating the biggest challenge in resolving issues. Identifying where issues develop is the first step to cleaning up your CX.
  • We’ll discuss 6 strategies to move from mess to resolution: removing barriers, increasing self-service, streamlining data & communications, automating actions, increasing visibility and productivity, reducing repetition and enabling citizen interaction wherever they are.
  • A unified platform empowers teams, integrates across different systems, enhances employee skillsets, and provides smart, informed resolutions, not an answer to race against the clock.  By introducing AI into your citizen experience workflow, you’ll uncover greater benefits, transparency, increased availability, efficiencies and gaining an around-the-clock, holistic view of your service delivery.

This session is designed to be an opportunity to promote thought-leadership exchanges and networking among guests, as well as a deep dive into top-of-mind issues, technology trends and shifts in citizen experience.


Time: 7.30 am till 10.00 am

Date: Wednesday 1st May.

Venue: Signature Restaurant Private Dining Room – Level 1 Emporium Hotel, South Brisbane QLD 4101

Audience: Chiefs, Executives, and leaders involved in CX, Digital, Citizen and Service Delivery portfolios from across the QLD Government’s Departments and Agencies.

To participate as a speaker:
Aron Kunaseelan
Chief Operating Officer
T: +61 2 8484 0901
To participate as a speaker:
Brittini Raygo
Senior Conference Producer
T: +61 413 163 237