The Five Megatrends Driving The Australian Payments Landscape

1 December 2022 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Sydney | Cognizant

Sydney | AWS
About the Event

Join Cognizant & AWS for an invitation only, round table discussion.

The theme of discussion will centre around The Five Megatrends driving the Australian Payments Landscape and include a selected group of experts and decision makers within the financial and banking sectors. 

Navigating and reacting to changes within the payment landscape requires leaders to dynamically consider a range of items: viability, compliance, profitability, employee & customer experience.  This round table provides an opportunity for you to gain a deeper understanding, share best practice approaches, gain insight from peers as they discuss their own experiences on many of the key challenges within the financial services industry, and discover unique ways to address and overcome these challenges.

Discussion topics will include: 

  • What does the future of digital commerce look like?  
  • What parts of the regulatory landscape hinder or enable the use of digital wallets?  
  • With a different appetite for risk there exists temptation to scale up fast; what will this mean for Apple and Google – Is there temptation for Apple and Google to become predatory lenders? 
  • What role can the Australian Government, ASIC and AUSTRAC play to continue enabling innovation, particularly around digital identity and validation. Are there regulations that are obsolete in the modern day, or additional controls that should to be passed for the future?  
  • Afterpay recently sold for a massive $39Bn. Does this signal a potential new “gold rush” in the Australian Fintech space? Do rapid approval processes behind consumer credit services create an unsustainable environment?

Limited places available and Chatham House rules apply.

We would be delighted if you could join us for what promises to be an insightful and productive discussion. Please reach out to Darren Adams, information below, to register your interest in attending this event.

Contact Us
For delegate enquiries:
Ben Harris
Bespoke Events Producer
T: +61 422 841 077
Register Interest