IT Challenges Across the 2023 Financial Services Landscape

25 October 2023 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Singapore | Nutanix
About the Event

Join a roundtable series with FST Media & Nutanix and 10-15 Chiefs, Managing Directors, and Executive leaders working in IT, AI, Cloud, Architecture, Technology and Transformation portfolios.

This curated roundtable addresses topics surrounding the theme of: IT Challenges Across the 2023 Financial Services Landscape with our trusted technology partner Nutanix 

FST Media has a proud history of bringing together industry’s thought leaders to shape the future of financial services throughout Asia at the Future of Financial Services ASEAN Summits, as part of this flagship event we are delighted to offer Senior leaders and innovators the opportunity to network with peers and discuss the latest developments in technology applications, over a complimentary, three-course fine dining luncheon at the private dining room The Pods of Fullerton Bay Hotel. 

Join to share insights, discuss challenges and explore strategies with peers in an intimate, private setting. Joined by industry experts to explore the below conversation points: 

  • Cloud Native: To refactor or not? How to fit Cloud Native into current governance rules in FSI today? 
  • AI in Financial Services: AI can supercharge your enterprise from better Customer Service to Co-Piloting for app development. Strategically road mapping the introduction of AI into the enterprise allows you to focus on the business benefits.  
  • Regulation: 2023 has seen changes to the regulatory and compliance landscape: we deep dive into what this means for Fraud Detection and Money Laundering. 
  • Cyber Security. Alongside a wider adoption of new technologies and digital interactions has come heightened cyber security risks. Discuss finding the right level of friction to balance cyber security and seamless service. 

From this discussion, guests will gain valuable learnings and insights on the Singapore and Asia Pacific financial services industry, understand how peers are addressing technology challenges and strategies, and gain a clearer view of ways to embrace innovations and solutions across your cloud, architecture and enterprise operations. 

Date and Time: Wednesday, 25th of October, 12pm till 2pm, Singapore | Invitation list: 10-12 Chiefs, SVP’s, EVP’s, General Managers, Head of Departments and Executive leaders working across; Technology, IT, Digital, Transformation, Architecture & Product portfolios. | Venue: The Pods Private Dining RoomThe Fullerton Bay Hotel, 80 Collyer Quay, Singapore 049326 

Details: Reservations are strictly limited and reserved for Financial Service Executives. All food and beverage is complimentary. Chatham House Rule applies.

For delegate enquiries:
Ben Harris
Bespoke Events Producer
T: +61 422 841 077
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